"Per Aspera Ad Astra"

The club from Nyhøyden
"Already at the end of the 90s, manager "Tordane" played a dice game in which the fictitious football club, Torden FK, was created."
The story of Torden Fotballklubb actually starts before the story of the hattrick fotball club. As early ass at the end of the 90s, manager "Tordane" played a dice game in which the fictional football club, Torden FK, was created. A few years later, the club seriously stepped into the digital world.
The creation of the club
The year is 1998. Manager "Tordane" and some friends develop a simple football game consisting of a notepad and two dices. The concept is simple; you create a fictitious football team and play matches against other fictitious teams where the dice determine the outcome of the result. The name of "Tordane's" team was Torden FK, and the kits and club logo was drawn by hand. The kits were black and yellow striped, and the clubs badge had a scarf at the top and a red sun rising behind the river "Glomma". To give the club a soul, the fictitious place, Nyhøyden, was created; a small community right outside Kongsvinger. With inspiration from Athletic Bilbao, Nyhøyden got its own flag and a strong local patriotic identity. The foundation was laid!

Entry at www.hattrick.org
As interest in the dice game declines, interest in a new and exciting online manager game called Hattrick increases. In October 2003, manager "Tordane" comes across an article about Hattrick in norwegian paper Dagbladet, which automatically catches his attention. He learns

the game, and decides to give it a chance after a few months. On March 1, 2004, "Tordane" is assigned a team in the Norwegian series, and the real story finally begins. Then something a little unexpected happens. The club does not take the Torden name, but is instead named "Magnusia FC", while the stadium's name is Gjemselund Stadion. Why this choice is made is somewhat uncertain, but there is no doubt that the manager regrets it, because after just a season the name is immediately changed to Torden FK (name change was only legal between seasons).
The first years (season 11-19)
The first years and seasons are characterized by a lot of activity and commitment in the club. The team first saves a place in the 5th division in season 11 and 12, before they are relegated to the 6th division in season 13, only 1 point away from a safe place. In season 14, the club makes almost a clean slate, and goes through the entire season with 13 wins, 1 draw and a goal difference of 76-11. As a result, they are back in divison 5 in what will turn out to be a
fantastic season and a third place. Players such as Arno Bodineau, Patrycjusz Dobrosz, Ionut Ungureanu, Gunnar Erik Høj Pedersen and Steinar Berntsen are particularly remembered from this team.
In seasons 16, 17 and 18, the club is at the top of their division, but in season 19 they finish in sixth place and have to play a qualifying match, which they lose. Again, the club has to contend with relegation to the sixth division.

Relegations & promotions (season 20-33)
The years 2007 to 2011 turned out to be a roller-coaster period. The club needed six seasons before they were finally back in the fifth division, but they were unable to survive and the next season saw them back at the bottom level again. In season 28, they were back again at the

fifth level, but it only lasted for two seasons before the sixth division was once again a fact. The biggest triumph in this period was the advancement to the fourth round in the Norwegian Cup, in season 23. Going this far had never been achieved in the club's 9-year history, but now it was a fact. Worth mentioning from this period are players such as Rune "Lynet" Nilsen and Kenneth Solberg, who scored over 500 goals together for the club. The former is still the only player to have scored 6 goals in one and the same match. He has achieved that feat twice.
The years of absence - 10 years in the valley of shadows (seasons 34-68)

The period from 2011 to 2021 must be seen as the club's absolute zero point. The club organized a few random training matches here and there, but especially from 2013 there was minimal activity, and only one training match was organized during eight years(!). It says a lot about the lack of interest in this period. Fortunately, manager "Tordane" always remembered to log into hattrick regularly, so the team was not kicked out of the system. In the series, the team managed to stay in the fifth division for a few seasons, before an eternal lift again ensured promotion and relegation between the fifth and sixth divisions, almost every other season. Season 41 in
particular stands out as a disastrously bad season for TFK. The team finished last in the division with 1 point, and went a total of 14 games without a win. Both share a club record in a negative sense.
A new time (season 69 -->
21st of january 2022 will prove to be an important day for the club. After over 10 years of inactivity, the manager returns. Almost NOK 200 million is waiting in the bank, and a long-term course is staked out for the club. The new team is being built up slowly but surely, with a focus on the 3-5-2 system and midfield strength. A new long-term goal is also set: A maximum of 5 seasons before the club is promoted to fourth division for the first time. Almost all players are replaced, and the legend Mohammed "Brosjan" Roshan takes over as a manager. Around the middle of season 69, TFK are in last place, but have their first match which ends in a draw. After this, the club climbs from last place to third place. The following season, season 70, the team makes sure to win all the games and wins the division and are once again ready for the fifth division. In addition, the club wins its first ever international title, in a play-off with 64 teams from around the world. A huge moment for the club.

Season 71 starts as expected. The club win some matches and looses some, but then towards the middle and especially towards the end, TFK puts in a fierce final sprint that takes them from fourth place and into second place before one game remains. In the last round of the series, they climb to the top of the division and achieve their best season ever. Never before in history have they won the 5th division.
In season 72, the club wins the division a second time in a row, but once again looses the play-off. In the upcoming season, TFK ends up with a second place, but then in season 73, a direct promotion to division four is finally secured, after a tremendous season with 14 out of 14 wins and a total of 42 points. The goal of reaching forth division within 5 seasons is accomplished!
01. mars 2004 (sesong 11)
03. mars 2004 (sesong 11)
19. mars 2004 (sesong 11)
April 2004 (sesong 11)
04. juni 2004 (sesong 11)
06. juni 2004 (sesong 11)
31. juni 2004 (sesong 12)
14. januar 2005 (sesong 13)
28. mai 2005 (sesong 15)
29. okt 2022 (sesong 71)
Magnusia FC (Torden FKs forløper) blir stiftet av manager "magnern". Laget havner i divisjon V.81 (femte nivå i Norge) sammen med åtte andre klubber, og klubbens hjemmebane er Gjemselund Stadion.
To dager etter klubbens stiftelse, debuterer Magnusia FC i Norgescupens første runde. Det ender med et braktap, 7-1 mot horsemaster, i klubbens første kamp i historien.
Klubben endrer navn på stadion til Nyhøyden Ground.
Stadion bygges ut med en kapasitet på 15 676 tilskuere
Magnusia FC ender på sjette plass av åtte klubber, og beholder dermed plassen i divisjonen, i deres første sesong.
Klubben får sitt nåværende navn da den bytter fra Magnusia FC til Torden FK
Torden FK når for første gang 3. runde i Norgesmesterskapet
Klubben havner på 7. plass i serien, og rykker ned til 6. divisjon.
Klubben endrer navn på stadion til "Nyhøyden Idrettspark"
Torden FK vinner for første gang femte divisjon (avdeling V.81)